Printable one-page poster summarising best practice recommendations
As part of the Cork Pilot Implementation Project a one-page poster summarising the main points of the best practice guidelines was developed.
This poster is based on the 'Safe Cross Code' message that was used for many years to help children remember how to cross the road safely.
The 'Teamwork and Liaison' Working Group of the Informing Families Cork Project cleverly adapted this for use in remembering best practice when communicating difficult news to families.

We recommend that the poster is printed and posted in staff areas only, as it is not a poster with parent information. It is a quick reference guide that you can consult before you communicate with families as a reminder of the important elements of best practice to keep in mind.
Click here to download your printable poster!
Please contact info@informingfamilies,ie if you would like to order pre-laminated copies.
A special thanks to Dr. Brendan Murphy, Consultant Neonatologist in Cork University Maternity Hospital for the Safe Cross Code concept, and to the Road Safety Authority for allowing us to use their 'Safe Cross Code' branding.